Design for the Real World | Preface
First published in 1971, Victor Papanek’s lively and instructive guide shows how design can reduce pollution, overcrowding, starvation, obsolescence and other modern ills.
First published in 1971, Victor Papanek’s lively and instructive guide shows how design can reduce pollution, overcrowding, starvation, obsolescence and other modern ills.
Another excerpt from the Delft Design Guide. Only the synectics spread is mandatory material, but also take a look at the other spreads in the enriching section.
A definition of design from Swedish Design: An Ethnography by Keith M. Murphy. An interesting delineation of the meaning of design, a good one to read carefully.
Click on the image for the excerpt.
Read about two design process models from the Delft Design Guide – known by most students as the IDE Bible (treat it accordingly). We assume you have bought this book for Design Project 1, we suggest reading these two pages (and optionally the spread before and after it) to get an idea of the formalisation of design from the IDE TU Delft perspective.
Excerpt from Guy Julier’s book Culture of Design. Please read until “Designers as ‘Cultural Intermediaries'” (so pages 46-53). If you want to read further, feel free to read the rest of the chapter as enriching material.
Chapter 6 from John Heskett’s book Industrial Design. This excerpt is from the Dutch translation and covers the rise of industrial design as a profession. Pay attention to the industrial, technological and economic context in which the profession arose. Enjoy, but don’t worry about all the examples.
An excerpt from Chapter 1 of Dan Saffer’s Designing for Interaction. It describes the history of interaction design from the perspective of the products that resulted from user-centered design.
Don’t worry about all the details and chronology, read this as a history of interaction design from the perspective of an interaction designer.