Lecture Design for the real world: Week 7
Lecture by Laurens Kolks and Ianus Keller about the theme of week 7 of Understanding Design: Design for the real world
Lecture by Laurens Kolks and Ianus Keller about the theme of week 7 of Understanding Design: Design for the real world
Excerpt from Ken Burn’s documentary about one of America’s greatest architects.
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In this episode of Everything is a Remix, Kirby Ferguson explores the elements of creativity and illustrates that copying is often an inevitable part of creation. Feel free to watch the other three parts as enriching material!
Lecture by Pieter Jan Stappers and Ianus Keller about the theme of week 6 of Understanding Design: Complex Systems Thinking
Fourth week, theme Formalisation of Design. From 26 to 30 September 2022
Seventh week, theme Design for the Real World. From 17 to 21 October 2022
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Lecture by Laurens Kolks and Bregje van Eekelen about the theme of week 7 of Understanding Design: Design for the real world
Second week, theme Production. From 12 to 16 September 2022