Lecture Design for the real world: Week 7
Lecture by Laurens Kolks and Ianus Keller about the theme of week 7 of Understanding Design: Design for the real world
The mandatory materials for this week need to be watched, listened to and read in preparation for the seminar.
Lecture by Laurens Kolks and Ianus Keller about the theme of week 7 of Understanding Design: Design for the real world
James Dyson answers the internet’s burning questions about design and inventions. Dyson’s products are clear examples of the Industrial and Engineering part of Design. Especially his answer to the question What’s the most important element of design in your opinion? is an interesting relevant take for this week.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Jet Gispen is Zuurdesem bakker bij Meneer Leffers en de beste afstudeerder van de TU Delft van 2017. Voor Jet is ontwerpen iets nieuws maken en dat nieuws kan dan alles zijn: van producten, diensten, systemen en zelfs menselijk gedrag. Als ontwerper ben je niet per se de maker, maar meer de dirigent of verkeersleider […]
Lard Breebaart is bakker bij Kometen brood. Zijn naam kwam al voorbij in aflevering 33 met Olaf Wit. Lard is in 2021 (tijdens de lockdown) geswitcht van ontwerper werkzaam in marketing en produktontwikkeling naar het bakken van zuurdesembrood. Voor Lard is (goed) design het op de juiste manier combineren van dat wat in de onderbuik […]
Next to the mandatory materials, we also would like to show you some other sources that could be great for inspiration. These are not part of the mandatory materials of the course …, but still worth to check out!
Lecture by Laurens Kolks and Ianus Keller about the theme of week 7 of Understanding Design: Design for the real world
James Dyson answers the internet’s burning questions about design and inventions. Dyson’s products are clear examples of the Industrial and Engineering part of Design. Especially his answer to the question What’s the most important element of design in your opinion? is an interesting relevant take for this week.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Jet Gispen is Zuurdesem bakker bij Meneer Leffers en de beste afstudeerder van de TU Delft van 2017. Voor Jet is ontwerpen iets nieuws maken en dat nieuws kan dan alles zijn: van producten, diensten, systemen en zelfs menselijk gedrag. Als ontwerper ben je niet per se de maker, maar meer de dirigent of verkeersleider […]
Lard Breebaart is bakker bij Kometen brood. Zijn naam kwam al voorbij in aflevering 33 met Olaf Wit. Lard is in 2021 (tijdens de lockdown) geswitcht van ontwerper werkzaam in marketing en produktontwikkeling naar het bakken van zuurdesembrood. Voor Lard is (goed) design het op de juiste manier combineren van dat wat in de onderbuik […]
sources list
If you have an interesting article, podcast, video, or another material that fits this topic, let us know below! We’ll check it out and maybe add it to the page.